

By definition, to be poised is to be composed, dignified, and self-assured.  One might argue that to be poised is to be outspoken, while another believes silence is a sign of poise.  This week, choose one word about which you have your own ideas and write them.  We brainstormed possible words and came up with a list:  elegant, happy, weary, exhausted, sparse, menacing, tedious, fuzzy, ubiquitous, patient, and more.  Pick any word that inspires you. 

POISED (by today's writing club)

Poised is being beautiful without heels
loquacious when prudent
gentle but stern
saying thank you even it is is only a door.

Poised is when you're smart but don't show off
calm but assertive
(more to come...)


Steal a Line

We are beginning to assemble some of the work we have done.  I am asking students to "publish" three of their finalized pieces by posting them to their folder on the website and by giving them to me in print.  With the "published" pieces, you have the option of creating an accompanying visual.  This image may be hand drawn, may be a photograph, or may be an image from the computer.  You may even choose to find a friend who can create an illustration to go with your piece.

This week's prompt allows you to steal a line from someone else.  Begin with a line from a song lyric, poem, or book.  Go from there.  Create your own poem or story as an extension of that line, and every time you get stuck, repeat your opening line.  You may just end up in a much different place than the original author did.



We spent time in the computer lab this week, getting signed in to the Ink website.  All will need a Google account in order to be invited into the site.  Please see Mrs. Scott in Room 216 if you do not have access.

Our prompt for the week is COLOR.  Choose any color and write.  Look around everywhere for inspiration, using imagery and figurative language to help describe.  We created a group write today using the color blue (see Mrs. Scott is yours isn't here...I thought I had all of them).  Here goes BLUE:

Blue is the water that runs through the sky. It is the foundation of all life. The breath of the leaves, and the life of the forest.
Blue is cold.  It is water – gushing, pouring, swishing.  Blue is the sky, an endless array of nothingness.
Blue is solemn, serious, and sad.  It is design, everlasting, enduring.  Blue is a conscience, an object, an animate thing.  It is a symbol.  A piece of an unfinished puzzle.
Blue is a color, a part of the rainbow.
Blue is the color of the ocean that washes up on the shore and splashes me.
Blue is the color of the sky, bright and wide. 
Blue is the color that makes the trio of primary colors complete.  Blue is a deep irresistible color.  Blue is, in fact, one of my favorite colors, it is a must-have color in our world.  Blue shows the sky, the ocean, and everything contained with water.  Blue is like a traveler, the way it seeps into clouds when evaporated by the sun, and how it seeps into your skin too, giving you life.
Blue is an ocean without an end.  Expanding over the horizon so far that when you are in the middle, you are alone.  Blue is lonely like tears or rain that patter silently onto the ground to be heard.
Blue is rivers that swiftly flow into the lakes and oceans.
Blue is the color that slides gently down my face.
Blue is the color of my ocean, all the animals that live and thrive there.  The magnificent blue whale, blue jellyfish, sharks, dolphins, and many more.
Blue is the color of my eyes, fierce and full of light.
Blue is my symbol of freedom, when I see blue I know everything will be okay. 
Blue is fire, near the hard barren coals, trying to escape the breath, the breath of something that kills.
Blue is the color of your face, when you try to become not breath.
Blue is the color of the first jeans, always been respected, then been back-stabbed by the black, pink, orange and every other color imaginable, clinging to your legs making you sit uncomfortable while the blue jeans cling to your waist and let your legs roam free.
Blue is the color of the American flag, holding together the starts symbolizing freedom of the auspicious day where all the states single-handedly become one.
Blue is the color of eyes, watching and wary.
Blue………. Blue is the water crashing into the sandy shore, demolishing hopeless homes, leaving families in the pool of destruction. The color of sadness, tears fall slowly as blue brings you down as well. Slow jazz “the blues” set this mood. The incredulous evil color can slowly ambush your life.
Blue is the flowing river, twisting and turning
Blue is the magnificent sky, at a constant pace
Blue is dark, serious and timid
Blue is the deep sea, dark and dangerous.
Blue is the sky, vast and never ending, lit by the sun and moon.
Blue, the Blue Knights, marching onto the field, ready to defend their title.
Blue, the color of the clock, ticking away the invisible things we call seconds.
Blue, the color of water that brings life to Earth.
Blue is wide as the sky, deep as the sea.
It is as pure as the air you breathe and the water you drink.
What is blue?  Blue is pure, blue is clean.
Wild and passionate, pure and calm.
Blue is whatever it chooses to be.
Blue is despair, blue is bliss.
Blue is everything, and yet it is nothing.
Blue.  The color that can also be a mood.  How do you know if you are blue?  What is blue? Bold yet dull, bright yet subtle.  Will we ever know?
Blue is the ocean flowing throughout the Earth.  Crashing against the shore, sending water splashing as if it were exploding.
Blue is a tidal wave, crashing down on precious memories.
Blue is calming and as I watch it roll and crash on the perfectly soft sand, it sends me into a sea of tranquility.