
It Starts With You

Before we write about anything else, I want you to be able to write about yourself.  You are receiving a paper bag today (if you would like to use a different container, you may).  Inside the bag, you will put those characteristics you keep inside you, or keep private (write these on the small slips of paper provided and actually place these in the bag).  On the outside of the bag, write the characteristics you show to the world.  You may also glue pictures and/or symbols to represent the way you feel, act, and look as well.  Now you will be ready for this week's writing prompt which is to create a piece of writing about YOU.  It may be a poem, story, narrative, or any other type of writing you would like.  Use the bag you created as inspiration and see what you get!  Please bring your writing to our next meeting.  Feel free to post writing club feedback below...do you have any suggestions for our group?  Have fun!

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