

Since April is National Poetry Month, it is always in order to write a poem.  An ode is a long, lyric poem, often addressed to someone or something.  It can be thought of as a "tribute" and is often written to celebrate a person, being, object or event.  Choose something on which you can write an ode and begin.  It may be your mother, your dog, or the pencil on your desk.  Pay tribute to the specific little thing you appreciate and include figurative language as you do.  Here's a sample from one of my previous students:

Ode to Spring
Out of winter is born an
iridescent world of
The woods turn green,
the flowers bloom,
Has awakened
Into pollen filled air,
Tinted with the scent of
Drifting from the now green tree tops,
When winter's heavy
Coat if lifted,
The burden of snow taken from the grass,
Is welcomed with
Open arms,
As our world transforms,
Breaks through the ice
That held it back for long enough.
As the sun's rays
Convey refreshing sense of rejuvenation
In earth's new look,
The birds sing louder,

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